My astro blog for you

In my astro blog you will find out all the important dates from the lunar calendar 2023, information on the astrological time quality and also when Portal Days 2023 are, or what a Mercury retrograde means. I report on the quality of time, the respective full moon or new moon and provide a monthly cosmic timetable in the Astro Blog.

What are portal days anyway? My Astro Blog tells you. What will 2024 be like from an astrological perspective? Here in my Astro Blog you will learn about planetary transits and understand the moon signs based on the full moon and new moon. You will find many articles on astrology and there is also a lot of knowledge about horoscopes, your zodiac sign, ascendant and much more in the Astro Blog.


Solar horoscope: what is it?
Solar horoscope: the solar horoscope personalized astroanalysis current birthday Do you believe in the magic of the stars? Or
Pluto in Capricorn: Karma and Structure
Pluto in Capricorn: Karma and Structure Pluto in Capricorn is an invitation to reflection
The big summer horoscope 2023
Here is the big summer horoscope for 2023 for the twelve signs of the zodiac. What's going on in the summer
Free Webinar: The Taurus Scorpio Axis
The Taurus-Scorpio axis Free webinar: The Taurus-Scorpio axis Intensive live seminar from April 26.04.22th, XNUMX as a free recording for
Pluto in Aquarius 2023: Revolution
Pluto in Aquarius 2023: Revolution, the old structures are crumbling (back in Capricorn from June 11.6th)
New Moon in Aries 2023- Rebirth of your new self
New Moon in Aries 2023 – Rebirth of Your New You The Aries New Moon occurs on March 21st
Saturn in Pisces - Revolution of Love
Saturn in Pisces 2023 to 2025/2026 changes after over 2 years in Aquarius
Horoscope January 2023
Deceleration instead of a new start: The new year and January finally start unusually quietly and slowly
Aries horoscope 2023 and ascendant
Aries Annual Horoscope 2023 ANNUAL HOROSCOPE 2023 ARIES /// March 21 – April 20 Aries Impulse: Believe in