My astro blog for you

In my astro blog you will find out all the important dates from the lunar calendar 2023, information on the astrological time quality and also when Portal Days 2023 are, or what a Mercury retrograde means. I report on the quality of time, the respective full moon or new moon and provide a monthly cosmic timetable in the Astro Blog.

What are portal days anyway? My Astro Blog tells you. What will 2024 be like from an astrological perspective? Here in my Astro Blog you will learn about planetary transits and understand the moon signs based on the full moon and new moon. You will find many articles on astrology and there is also a lot of knowledge about horoscopes, your zodiac sign, ascendant and much more in the Astro Blog.


Highly sensitive children's souls

A key goal for families is to be healthy and happy  Raising children who will one day become independent and soulful adults. In a healthy. "normal"  In families, parents more or less fortunately manage to fulfill this task by taking responsibility for their children's emotional and physical needs. But just because they have also learned to take responsibility for themselves and all their wounds and shadows in the course of their lives.
Mars retrograde 10.09/13.11.20 -XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX

Power planet and our cosmic fuel becoming Mars today Retrograde on 10.09/13 and remain retrograde through November XNUMXth in Aries, the ruling or home sign. This gives us the opportunity to boost our current projects in the best possible way and to be successful. However, in retrograde, the Mars energy will essentially be inwardly directed - ie our power will be internalized, intensified, personalized and possibly set on fire. So beware: passive-aggressive behavior can occur during this cycle.
Cosmic Roadmap August 2020

Courage and blossoming in August: From the deeply emotional time of Cancer, we were moved into the fiery, confident sign and fire element of Leo. The first highlights of the month are the annual festival of Lammas (1.08/3.08) and the full moon in Aquarius (XNUMX/XNUMX). To the August Cosmic Timetable and the .pdf to print out, here
The shamanic annual festival of Lammas on August 1.08st.


Am August 1st is celebrated in schematic Circle of the year: Lammas, Lughnasadh or the festival of the reapers (Lammas is the ancient Christian name for this festival). The festival of the reapers is in the annual cycle opposite Candlemas, the re-entry into nature. Harvest time begins. The Grim Reaper walks across the fields and takes measurements. The sun is at its zenith and its power must now be broken. Astrologically it is the time of the lion - which fits the theme of the festival: it is about taking responsibility and leadership for one's actions, power and strength are now there and want to be used moderately and prudently for the benefit of all.

11 signs of an open heart

An open heart testifies to a spirit and attitude towards life that faces life, people and creatures in an open, sympathetic and loving manner. Such a person does not revolve around himself, his interests, his problems, his likes and dislikes, but relates to everything in his life in a mindful, kind and compassionate way. This includes both his own world of thoughts and feelings, as well as everything that happens around him.

Why shamanism is not a religion

A shaman is interested in practicing their spiritual healing techniques, but generally is not interested in forming a group of people to perpetuate a theology or religious structure. Shamanism does not honor any definitive or single divine source document for its beliefs. Traditions of spiritual healing practices have usually been passed down through generations by word of mouth.

Shamanism is not a religion, Shamanism is an application of beliefs. These beliefs are spiritually based and significantly shaped by one's own experiences, the connections to the spiritual world.

Moon signs and elements

The moon represents our inner psyche and emotional nature. Many astrologers assume that the sun is our sign of how we see ourselves, while the moon is how we really are. Of all the planets (or moon and sun are called astronomical lights) the moon is the most important nutrient for us. It is the emotional backdrop or ground for everything we do and governs our instinct, intuition, and emotional vulnerability.
The moon shines brightest at night and magically reflects the light of our emotions, thus illuminating the unconscious within us, which then often shows up and becomes apparent to us in dreams. It is irrational, mysterious, but poetic and full of meaning.
New Moon in Cancer on July 20.07th.

New moons like today on Monday, July 20.07th 19:32 p.m. in the sign of Cancer questions always represent the beginning of a new cycle and are stuck in the cycle of the moon with the themes of the past full moon together. As soon as this chapter is halfway finished, you have completed many learnings and your light shines (again) in full strength, the powerful new moon energies can take effect and carry you to new opportunities, new friendships, unexpected happy "coincidences" and surprises. More on that in my current podcast episode and in my Moonbook!
Healer Chiron Chiron retrograde from 11.07/15.12.20. – XNUMX

With the help of Chiron (the injured healer) we can learn a lot about our wounds and injuries these days. This is a deeply shamanic realization. And insights can provide a key to healing and wholeness, denn After many emotional deep dives over the last few weeks, we have embarked on a deep inner transformation of our shadows. Reinforced by the transformation planet Pluto is also declining. We were invited to grow - especially beyond ourselves! Our own primal pain shows precisely the regression has many faces...