The typology of the individual zodiac signs

Aries zodiac sign

March 21st to April 20th

Element: Fire

cardinal and masculine

Ruling Planet: Mars

1st house: self and identity

Principle: "I fight"

Axis Opposite: The Libra

In spring, at the time of Aries, of all times, nature awakens to new life. Aries is also the first sign in the astrological year. Now the plants begin to bloom and fight their way through the partially frozen earth, as well as the mating season for many animal species. The archetypes of Aries include the heroic warrior or the combative Amazon. Both make progress through their inspired and motivated actions, but sometimes they bump their heads against a wall when they are too motivated.

Dear Aries,

you are brave, ambitious and combative. The wonderful fire that you carry within you brings pioneering spirit and willingness to fight into the world. The power you embody is encouraging, you inspire so many just by being you. Your passion and thirst for life make you a secret weapon to be reckoned with at the top of the winning streak.


Passionate, courageous, pioneering, triumphant

Aries archetype

the amazon or the hero the conqueror, the pioneer, (competitor) fighter and entrepreneur, tyrant, fanatic

His sunny side

is the courageous and self-determined, fighting spirit, energy, willpower, assertiveness, self-assertion and dynamism.

His dark side

is the destructive, ego thinking, aggression, driven too much by success and ambition, competitive thinking, impulsiveness, anger and impatience, inner struggle mode

Aries' learning task

Moving from I to you, persistence, genuinely relating to others, patience, perseverance, impulse control


Passionate, courageous, pioneering, triumphant

Aries archetype

the amazon or the hero the conqueror, the pioneer, (competitor) fighter and entrepreneur, tyrant, fanatic

His sunny side

is the courageous and self-determined, fighting spirit, energy, willpower, assertiveness, self-assertion and dynamism.

His dark side

is the destructive, ego thinking, aggression, driven too much by success and ambition, competitive thinking, impulsiveness, anger and impatience, inner struggle mode

Aries' learning task

Moving from I to you, persistence, genuinely relating to others, patience, perseverance, impulse control

This workbook will help you to understand the astrological energies, to use them for you and to consciously experience and shape your 2022.

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I also made a video on Youtube about it. Feel free to watch the video to learn more about your zodiac sign Aries.

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star sign Taurus

21. April to 20. May

Element: Earth

firm and feminine

Ruling Planet: Venus

2st house: finance and resources principle

Principle: "I own"

Axis Opposite: The scorpion

Taurus reminds us of the divinity of our body. Venus, as the ruler of the sign Taurus, also stands for the human power of love and pleasure. Be it through relationships with your partner or family or the love of beautiful things that you can “own” or nourishing food, cooking or creative engagement with the aesthetic and beautiful. A Taurus lives and loves sensuality, comfort, peace, security and rootedness in their own family and grounded security.

dear bull,

your persistence is incredibly admirable. The way you persevere in life speaks so much of the honorable and grounded soul that you are. Your sincerity and loyalty is valuable, I know you can be counted on. Your grounding presence makes those around you feel safe and at home.


Sensual, creative, safety-oriented, indulgent

Taurus archetype

the sensual, the connoisseur, the luxury lover and the creature of habit

His sunny side

is the quiet and level-headed, cosy, life-affirming, love of beauty, culinary, relaxed, rootedness, love of nature

His dark side

is the extravagant, too comfortable, stubborn, sometimes too material and striving for money, wanting to own or his existential fears

Taurus learning task

Let go, get out of the comfort zone, accept changes, don't just relate wealth to the material

Taurus year horoscope 2022

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Sensual, creative, safety-oriented, indulgent

Taurus archetype

the sensual, the connoisseur, the luxury lover and the creature of habit

His sunny side

is the quiet and level-headed, cosy, life-affirming, love of beauty, culinary, relaxed, rootedness, love of nature

His dark side

is the extravagant, too comfortable, stubborn, sometimes too material and striving for money, wanting to own or his existential fears

Taurus learning task

Let go, get out of the comfort zone, accept changes, don't just relate wealth to the material

star sign Gemini

21. May to 21. June

Element: Air

male and changeable

Ruling Planet: Merkur

3rd house:: Communication and siblings

Principle: "I think"

Axis Opposite: The shooter

The air sign Gemini stands for the power of loving partnership, the duo, the duality of spirit and soul and for communication. Ruled by the communication planet Mercury, Gemini are constantly busy collecting and sharing information or comparisons. Due to their irrepressible curiosity, they are often driven by a constant search for knowledge. They then want to impart this knowledge at any price, in the best case by word of mouth and writing.

dear twin,

you are like the wind and you never stand still. You have that playful spirit that completely lights up a room. You are communicative and your words are very powerful. Your inquisitive nature always makes you strive for wisdom and stay young. You have the wonderful ability to bring people together and live friendship.


Communicative, witty, cheerful, flexible

Gemini archetype

the communicator, whirlwind, clown, journalist

His sunny side

is his intellect, good adaptability, lively, changeable, clever reason, lighthearted and cheerful

His dark side

is his inner chaos, nervousness, absent-mindedness, inner polarity, black and white thinking, being torn between feeling and reason

Learning task of the twin

Making decisions, healthy limitation of the thirst for knowledge and curiosity to gain more substance and depth of feeling, grounding

Gemini horoscope 2022

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Communicative, witty, cheerful, flexible

Gemini archetype

the communicator, whirlwind, clown, journalist

His sunny side

is his intellect, good adaptability, lively, changeable, clever reason, lighthearted and cheerful

His dark side

is his inner chaos, nervousness, absent-mindedness, inner polarity, black and white thinking, being torn between feeling and reason

Learning task of the twin

Making decisions, healthy limitation of the thirst for knowledge and curiosity to gain more substance and depth of feeling, grounding

star sign Cancer

June 22nd to July 22nd

Element: Water

cardinal and feminine

Ruling Planet: Moon

4st house: home and family

Principle: "I feel"

Axis Opposite: The Capricorn

Cancer uses love and compassion for family and friends to read the moods and needs of others. Cancer is also considered the most maternal in the zodiac. Most Cancerians feel a deep connection to the magic of the Moon, their astrological ruler. Cancers are often highly sensitive people who want to rely on their intuition. They are like a human “home” for their family and the rest of their environment.

dear cancer,

the depth of your compassionate and loving soul is so beautiful. The way you care for those around you is unparalleled. Your delicate, vulnerable soul enables you to empathize with the feelings of others and that is a true gift and gift. Your heart is golden, you radiate so much love.


Compassionate, nurturing, sensitive, emotional

cancer archetype

the maternal, the emotional, caring and nurturing

His sunny side

is the empathetic, nurturing, the power of intuition, the creative, intuitive, flair, power of imagination, creativity, security, warm-heartedness

His dark side

is the melancholic, the moody and changeable, the self-forgetting, overly caring, too dreamy, extreme withdrawal and sensitivity

Cancer's learning task

Feelings are like waves in the sea, subject to phases, intuition as a compass, becoming independent, becoming more rational, achieving mental balance

Annual horoscope Cancer 2022

This workbook will help you to understand the astrological energies, to use them for you and to consciously experience and shape your 2022.

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Compassionate, nurturing, sensitive, emotional

cancer archetype

the maternal, the emotional, caring and nurturing

His sunny side

is the empathetic, nurturing, the power of intuition, the creative, intuitive, flair, power of imagination, creativity, security, warm-heartedness

His dark side

is the melancholic, the moody and changeable, the self-forgetting, overly caring, too dreamy, extreme withdrawal and sensitivity

Cancer's learning task

Feelings are like waves in the sea, subject to phases, intuition as a compass, becoming independent, becoming more rational, achieving mental balance

astrological sign Leo

23. July to 23. August

Element: Fire

firm and manly

Ruling Planet: Sun

5rd house:: children and inner child

Principle: "I play"

Axis Opposite: The Waterman

Shaped by the sun as the ruling planet, Leos are inspired to radiate joy, vitality and warmth everywhere. It often envelops them in an almost majestic aura. The life of a typical Leo is also about fame, glory and glory and greatness. Leos often like to be the center of attention and want to be loved and admired. They often actually use their creative talent on a real stage or in active creative vocations eg music, dance, painting.

dear lion,

your passion and the divine spark in you just spray. Your ruler the sun makes you a radiant sunshine. You are often the bright light we need so much in this world, you inspire so many with your vibrant energy and creativity. You have an incredibly big and courageous heart that conveys joie de vivre to your fellow human beings.


Radiant, playful, powerful, courageous

lion archetype

the stage star, the playful and creative, the ruler

His sunny side

his zest for life, his heart courage, leadership quality, the radiant, powerful, action, passionate and creative self-expression, strength of the heart

His dark side

are insecurities about one's self, greed for praise, fame and attention from others or an audience, cockiness, self-indulgence.

Learning task of the lion

Taking responsibility and leadership for one's own actions, using one's own strength in a measured and prudent manner for the benefit of all

Leo horoscope 2022

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Radiant, playful, powerful, courageous

lion archetype

the stage star, the playful and creative, the ruler

His sunny side

his zest for life, his heart courage, leadership quality, the radiant, powerful, action, passionate and creative self-expression, strength of the heart

His dark side

is pedantry, nervousness, obsession with cleanliness, narrow-mindedness, prudery, sobriety, pettiness, distrust, renunciation of pleasure, hypochondria

Learning task of the lion

Taking responsibility and leadership for one's own actions, using one's own strength in a measured and prudent manner for the benefit of all

Zodiac Virgo

August 24th to September 23rd

Element: Earth

mutable and feminine

Ruling Planet: Merkur

6st house: work and health

Principle: "I am working"

Axis Opposite: The fish

Virgos are known for their meticulous attention to detail and diligence. She is only too happy to focus on basic everyday issues such as work and order, but also physical issues, details and all matters relating to health and healing. A real Virgo not only loves order, but also needs it to feel good. Virgo shares the ruler Mercury with Gemini and owes him his analytical skills. Her close connection to nature and also to magic, healing arts and a deep love for plants and animals is often misunderstood.

dear virgin,

I hope you know how valuable you are to others. Despite all resistance, you always keep your standards high. You are generous, so hardworking and helpful, you would drop anything to help someone in need. Your analytical and detail-loving mind usually sees things clearly and precisely as they are because you bring order to the world. You have a practical voice of reason that we all need.


Serving, organizing, analytical, hardworking

Virgo archetype

the alchemist, the servant, the industrious workaholic and conscientious

your sunny side

is their rational, natural and practical attitude to life and work, their service to the common good and nature, their rational and prudent thinking.

your dark side

is pedantry, nervousness, obsession with cleanliness, narrow-mindedness, prudery, sobriety, pettiness, distrust, renunciation of pleasure, hypochondria.

Learning task of the virgin

mitigate excessive self-criticism and excessive perfectionism, not get too bogged down in detail and see the big picture

Virgo annual horoscope 2022

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Serving, organizing, analytical, hardworking

Virgo archetype

the alchemist, the servant, the industrious workaholic and conscientious

your sunny side

is their rational, natural and practical attitude to life and work, their service to the common good and nature, their rational and prudent thinking.

your dark side

is pedantry, nervousness, obsession with cleanliness, narrow-mindedness, prudery, sobriety, pettiness, distrust, renunciation of pleasure, hypochondria.

Learning task of the virgin

mitigate excessive self-criticism and excessive perfectionism, not get too bogged down in detail and see the big picture

Zodiac Libra

September 24th to October 23rd

Element: Air

cardinal and masculine

Ruling Planet: Venus

7rd house:: relationship and you

Principle: "I refer to"

Axis Opposite: The Aries

A native of Libra, has the gaze as a diplomatic sign of fairness, peace, beauty, and balance. The zodiac sign Libra relates primarily to relationships and the relationship to a “you” in his life. Her values, such as the beautiful and the good, are her main concern through her planetary ruler Venus. In its purest form, the Libra energy balances us, but it also quickly shows us what is not balanced. Therefore, Libra-born people usually try very hard to create sufficient harmony, friendliness and peace in their environment.

dear Libra,

you are a gift of love, grace and beauty. Your friendly nature and diplomatic way of making everyone feel comfortable and welcome in your presence is just adorable. You love everything beautiful and can do what not many can: see things from both sides of a scale and always as a mirror to yourself. That is why you bring so much beauty, balance and peace into this world.


Balancing, diplomatic, peaceful, charming

Libra archetype

the Libra or the esthete, the lovers, diplomat, esthete

your sunny side

is the connecting and approachable, her artistically confident subtlety, willingness to compromise, sense of justice, taste, fine manners

your dark side

is their craving for harmony, the idealization, to be more with the "you" than with the "I", forgetting themselves for the sake of dear peace

learning task of the scales

Coming from you to me, the ability to take yourself more seriously in the mirror of you and to strengthen self-care

Libra horoscope 2022

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Balancing, diplomatic, peaceful, charming

Libra archetype

the Libra or the esthete, the lovers, diplomat, esthete

your sunny side

is the connecting and approachable, her artistically confident subtlety, willingness to compromise, sense of justice, taste, fine manners

your dark side

is their craving for harmony, the idealization, to be more with the "you" than with the "I", forgetting themselves for the sake of dear peace

learning task of the scales

Coming from you to me, the ability to take yourself more seriously in the mirror of you and to strengthen self-care

Zodiac sign Scorpio 

October 24th to November 22nd

Element: Water

firm and feminine

Ruling Planet: Pluto

8st house: Change and borderline experience

Principle: "I deepen"

Axis Opposite: The bull

Scorpio likes to dive down into the depths of the soul to find the treasures and karmic insights hidden within. Therefore it is the borderline issues of his planet ruler Pluto such as mysticism, power, sexuality, pain, illness, death and (own) power that interest him. Just like the connection to ancestors, the fundamental darkness in people and transformation, which Scorpio is familiar with. The main principle of Scorpio is: "Die and become". Scorpios have a special ability to delve deep into the truth and to bring to light unpleasant shadows and weaknesses in others, which can often make them unpopular with others.

Dear Scorpio,

the depths of your soul are so fascinating precisely because you are constantly transforming and always going deeper than everyone else. Your heart can often feel heavy and sorrowful, but you always carry yourself through life with extraordinary strength. You are extremely intuitive and can feel like a mystical detective when something is wrong and others are just fooling themselves. Even if only a few can accept the truth, you always see people with loving and clear eyes as they really are behind the surface.


Transformative, mysterious, investigative, fathoming

Scorpio archetype

the mystic, detective, shaman, psychoanalyst

His sunny side

is its profundity, seriousness, being able to feel deep feelings, the gift of recognizing shadows in depth psychology

His dark side

is that which is too bound, jealousy, control, his ability to suffer, exaggerated cynicism, hunger for power, power of manipulation

Learning task of the scorpion

Avoiding the exploration of boundaries and power rush, preferring to heal others and oneself with the deeply imbued truth

This workbook will help you to understand the astrological energies, to use them for you and to consciously experience and shape your 2022.

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Transformative, mysterious, investigative, fathoming

Scorpio archetype

the mystic, detective, shaman, psychoanalyst

His sunny side

is its profundity, seriousness, being able to feel deep feelings, the gift of recognizing shadows in depth psychology

His dark side

is that which is too bound, jealousy, control, his ability to suffer, exaggerated cynicism, hunger for power, power of manipulation

Learning task of the scorpion

Avoiding the exploration of boundaries and power rush, preferring to heal others and oneself with the deeply imbued truth

Zodiac Sagittarius

November 23rd to December 21st

Element: Fire

mutable and masculine

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

9rd house: belief and knowledge

Principle: "I believe"

Axis Opposite: The Twins

A typical Sagittarius has idealistic ideas and shares them with the world through teaching and cosmic comedy. Sagittarius energy is meant to teach us that every path of our life is rich in values, knowledge and experiences. The insights from the vastness of our faith, the discovery, learning and curious pursuit of higher things lead to happiness. True idealists can be found among those born in Sagittarius who exude optimism. Characterized by the ruler of the planet Jupiter, Sagittarians are often world travelers, philosophers and adventurers who need excitement in life.

Dear Sagittarius,

you wild hippie soul, you always broaden your horizons on your adventures and travels. You crave all the exciting things this world has to offer. Your curiosity is endless and luck will always follow you. You have a philosophical and cosmopolitan nature and a lot of wisdom. You know life is there to be lived and you live it with so much purpose and culture.


Discovering, sovereign, striving for distance, inquisitive

Sagittarius archetype

the world explorer, the adventurer, philosopher, scholar

His sunny side

is its cosmopolitanism, striving for ideals, being a guide and expanding horizons for others, meeting cultures and thirst for adventure

His dark side

is inner tension, excessive search for meaning, dogmatism, moral arrogance, self-righteousness, rejecting everyday life

Learning task of the shooter

set yourself limits in the constant search for meaning, which can become addictive, not to lose sight of the true goals

Annual horoscope Sagittarius 2022

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Discovering, sovereign, striving for distance, inquisitive

Sagittarius archetype

the world explorer, the adventurer, philosopher, scholar

His sunny side

is its cosmopolitanism, striving for ideals, being a guide and expanding horizons for others, meeting cultures and thirst for adventure

His dark side

is inner tension, excessive search for meaning, dogmatism, moral arrogance, self-righteousness, rejecting everyday life

Learning task of the shooter

set yourself limits in the constant search for meaning, which can become addictive, not to lose sight of the true goals

Capricorn zodiac sign

December 22nd to January 20th

Element: Earth

cardinal and feminine

Ruling Planet: Saturn

10st house: career and success

Principle: "I structure"

Axis Opposite: The cancer

Capricorn carries the burden and wisdom of the world to the mountaintop of life. Capricorns are always oriented towards advancement and strive for status, responsibility, structure, success and the fulfillment of their duties. Capricorns are usually highly rational people. They also tend to live for their calling should they find a job or cause. They also tend to maintain respect, traditions and responsibility in the family and their environment. Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorns, is the wise but also strict teacher of life, who helps us to gain valuable and deep insights with his difficult trials and sacrifices.

Dear Capricorn,

your responsible manner is just so reassuring to those around you. You are wiser than you are and always seem to know exactly what is important. One can learn so much from you. You are so ambitious to achieve great things and to reach the top of life. You are traditional and loyal at heart and I admire how bravely and adamantly you defend your family, values ​​and morals in troubled times.


Structured, dutiful, disciplined, wise

Capricorn archetype

the boss, the patriarch, the just and serious

His sunny side

is his relentless pursuit of success and career advancement, emotional control, sense of duty, seriousness, structure, clarity

His dark side

is the immobile, rigid adherence to proven patterns and strict structures, his workaholism, joylessness and all too seriousness

Capricorn learning task

allow oneself one's own childish needy side and feelings that loosen one's loyalty to principles and gain lightness

Capricorn yearly horoscope

This workbook will help you to understand the astrological energies, to use them for you and to consciously experience and shape your 2022.

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Structured, dutiful, disciplined, wise

Capricorn archetype

the boss, the patriarch, the just and serious

His sunny side

is his relentless pursuit of success and career advancement, emotional control, sense of duty, seriousness, structure, clarity

His dark side

is the immobile, rigid adherence to proven patterns and strict structures, his workaholism, joylessness and all too seriousness

Capricorn learning task

allow oneself one's own childish needy side and feelings that loosen one's loyalty to principles and gain lightness


January 21st to February 19th

Element: Air

firm and manly

Ruling Planet: Uranus

11rd house: community and future vision

Principle: "I know"

Axis Opposite: The lion

Aquarius is the free-spirited rebel in the astrological zodiac and is reluctant to conform to traditional rules or norms. Uranus, the ruling planet of the sign Aquarius, is a spiritual planet and brings to light some real individualists in Aquarius. Aquarius energy can cause us to rebel against the way things are normally done and move in a direction that is completely new to us and in a maybe crazy way. Aquarius is often the one who invents visionary technology and shapes the zeitgeist that shapes our future.

Dear Aquarius,

your big heart and progressive spirit help to make the world a little bit better. Your compassion for the earth and humanity is admirable despite the heartache you have on your rescue mission. You are innovative and visionary and always in tomorrow instead of yesterday. You have such a witty and original way of thinking that drives real change. But the best thing about you is that you are unique and always remain yourself!


Original, visionary, future-oriented, freedom-loving

Aquarius archetype

the visionary, the networker, philanthropist and rebel

His sunny side

it is to bring so much fresh wind into the world, to keep an overview, to develop individual ideas, to be independent and witty

His dark side

is it to free oneself from circumstances that are actually good and sensible, to be unpredictable, escape, cold feelings, contradictions

Learning task of Aquarius

Losing the fear of commitment and permanence and not isolating yourself, overcoming the urge to constantly be special and original

Aquarius horoscope 2022

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Original, visionary, future-oriented, freedom-loving

Aquarius archetype

the visionary, the networker, philanthropist and rebel

His sunny side

it is to bring so much fresh wind into the world, to keep an overview, to develop individual ideas, to be independent and witty

His dark side

is it to free oneself from circumstances that are actually good and sensible, to be unpredictable, escape, cold feelings, contradictions

Learning task of Aquarius

Losing the fear of commitment and permanence and not isolating yourself, overcoming the urge to constantly be special and original

star signs fish

February 20th to March 20th

Element: Water

mutable and feminine

Ruling Planet: Neptun

12. Thirsty: Spirituality and Imagination

Principle: "I feel"

Axis Opposite: The Virgin

Pisces-born try to dissolve their mind in the senses and dreams to become transcendent. Through their planetary ruler Neptune they want to connect with the source of all being and with the universal. The zodiac sign Pisces is therefore all too happy to swim in a sea of ​​unlimited creativity and love for all people and often chooses to retreat into silence so as not to be overwhelmed by all sensations, impressions and the feelings of others. Creativity and healing go through many phases, worlds and need rest and stillness, this is what the sign Pisces teaches.

dear fish,

your aura is like an aquarium of pure magic. The way you lovingly give other people around you space to heal and flourish is so unique. You are always there and others feel understood by you. One can learn so much from your fine, creative and poetic soul, which blossoms even more in silence. You really are a human work of art with fine antennae and so much esprit and empathy.


Dreamy, creative, limitless, healing

Pisces archetype

the dreamer, the peacemaker, artist, hermit

His sunny side

it is his fluid adaptability, imagination, sensitivity, willingness to make sacrifices, deep understanding, mediumistic and subtle gifts

His dark side

it is too phlegmatic, lack of stability, addiction, to be opaque, to be unrealistic, to have little or no ability to distinguish

learning task of the fish

Turning the desire for escapism and dissolution into a spiritual experience or art, developing rationality

Annual horoscope Pisces 2022

This workbook will help you to understand the astrological energies, to use them for you and to consciously experience and shape your 2022.

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Dreamy, creative, limitless, healing

Pisces archetype

the dreamer, the peacemaker, artist, hermit

His sunny side

it is his fluid adaptability, imagination, sensitivity, willingness to make sacrifices, deep understanding, mediumistic and subtle gifts

His dark side

it is too phlegmatic, lack of stability, addiction, to be opaque, to be unrealistic, to have little or no ability to distinguish

learning task of the fish

Turning the desire for escapism and dissolution into a spiritual experience or art, developing rationality