Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces

On April 15, Mars changes to the sign Pisces until May 24.05/25.05 (then in Aries) After staying in the sign of Aquarius, Mars finally moves on. Many who have Aquarius in concise points of their birth chart (such as Sun, Moon or Ascendant) may already feel this change more than usual Mars transits, because Mars has brought in a lot of power.

What is coming or Mars in Pisces stands for indirect action. Before that, strong action was superficial. I felt it extremely myself (Moon in Aquarius and some houses) I felt so much done, worked, done for at least 3 people - I actually wanted to use the time on Mallorca to relax and relax...unfortunately the weather is also for that something to blame, it was very cold and it was raining, so of course I sat down at my desk again, somehow everything turned out differently than planned. In short, it was a hard time working and somehow also an inner and outer phase of struggle (keyword Mars, god of war) for many of us, not just for me - after all, we are in the combative Aries period!!! Yes, and finally, we've been dreaming of this for a long time - now we can slow down a bit again because the energies wouldn't allow it otherwise. I really want to use the last few weeks before I (for the time being) go back to Germany to slow down, and I’m taking this transit as an opportunity to do that and I’m going to do a little more rest and retreat before I go back to the city, what internally I resist anyway!

The Pisces is more passive anyway and it is therefore more important to allow than to initiate. You can't force anything in Pisces, so Mars might be a bit uncomfortable here at first, my word of warning. But it's also a nice and pleasant way of being in peace and contemplation. Things will happen as they are meant to happen anyway, and all we have to do is be open and watch what we have sown being reaped by the universe. 

Do what you can and let the rest take care of itself. It can be a relief as the tension that so many have felt over the last few months is finally easing. Sometimes all you can do is “let go” and that time is now!!!

The best way to use this transit is to make real changes in your subconscious and also to work alone, do things alone, withdraw from the noise outside... 

The healing power of Pisces energy and the key to balance lies in acknowledging and expressing our spiritual needs as well, while maintaining order and fluid structure in our daily lives. This has a lot to do with the basic Virgo-Pisces zodiac axis, and so we find that depending on how imbalanced we are, we are either living in chaos or in excessive order.

Yes, the fiery and active war god Mars does not really fit into the gentle water sign Pisces with its energy, so we can use the transit excellently for creative work (yeah!!!), meditation, relaxation and healing. Good for dreaming, retreat and snuggling up at home whenever possible... and the info in advance, I'm looking forward to this resting phase before it burns again..

Mars stays in Pisces until May 24.05th/25.05th and then goes to his home domicile in Aries, so put the fire extinguisher out, it can burn and get hot if we know how to deal with it, but in a positive sense.

Otherwise, during this transit, if we don't keep this in mind, we may feel more irritable, distracted, and lost in emotions, the past, and all the many coping mechanisms of everyday life. 

Tip: Even if you don't feel as active or your drive and energy levels are exhilarating as usual, that doesn't mean you don't have it, just that you need to be very careful about how you use that energy and where you direct it .

So now more than ever is the time to turn inward and work on projects at a slower pace and rhythm.

More about the zodiac signs and planetary energies:

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