Zodiac sign Virgo season

Zodiac sign Virgo season

Zodiac sign Virgo season

From 24.08/23.09 to XNUMX/XNUMX. then all hard-working dear virgins have their birthday. (Before some questions arrive again, the birthday information is of course often different because it is at a different time every year, sometimes earlier or later because of the leap years) 

Virgo zodiac themes

Topics of the coming time quality with the sun in the Jungfrau: Insight, order, hard work: Keep working on the work you have started, step by step you will progress! Healing, uniqueness, nature and grounding. The Virgin teaches us all: Every work, every vision and the manifestation thereof that we produce is unique - we ourselves are unique on this earth. Our unique talents want to be challenged, expanded and used for our benefit and that of others. Even if our work is often laborious and monotonous, with every movement we become a little richer and more skilled. The energies want to flow through us and encourage us to grow beyond ourselves. The sign Virgo has a very magical and spiritual connection to nature and also to applied magic, healing arts, the natural healing powers of plants and animals

Virgo seeks continuous self-improvement to continue our spiritual development - the effort and diligent planning and organization (Virgo absolute strength)   it is about grounding, serving-ourselves and also the community! Virgo's ruling planet is just like the planet Mercury in Virgo for Gemini, it is often shown by the fact that people born under the zodiac sign have good negotiating skills, communicate well and meaningfully, and language itself is one of their favorite forms of expression. 

The organization and completion of their to-do's is often easier for Virgo than for Gemini, because Mercury can seem more grounded and structured here, so to speak. A certain sobriety with emotions and an ascetic striving when it comes to sensual pleasures is also inherent in her.

You can learn order from Virgos and how to bring structure to chaotic systems.


Zodiac myth Jungfrau:

Virgos are seen as stuffy, addicted to planning, control freaks, workaholics, overly critical, choosy, perfectionist, worry too much and know it all. Cleaning and tidying mania: extremely tidy, neurotic and stressed, always have to be busy and primarily they just work. Shy, distant and cold. Hypochondriacal, obsessed with health and every little detail. 


Truth about the Virgo zodiac sign: Virgos are genuinely practical, sensible, perceptive, and notice the unnoticed with their razor-sharp eye for detail. Logical, reasonable, grounded, and knowing at best that no one is perfect, including them. They question themselves and their behavior regularly. And yes, they worry and worry about others, but only because they have such a big heart. They are great confidants and friends, caring and  supportive and do not ask for a reward or applause. Sharp and clever, well organized, systematic and good at planning. Patient with others, they need solid relationships. Responsible and reasonable, they always keep a cool head on the outside, appear calm and collected and keep their worries and true feelings to themselves so as not to be a burden to others. Pragmatic and lovable, always trying to see the good in people. We speak the language of animals and nature and are true alchemists who, with the right awareness, can turn everything they touch into gold...


Lesson of the Virgo zodiac sign for all of us: taking more responsibility for our daily routines, rituals, tasks and health.



Magical card reading for the zodiac sign Virgo season perhaps with my astrocards:


Zodiac sign Virgo season


1. What energy should I own in the time to come?

2. What area of ​​my life needs more attention, cleaning or reorganization? 


3. How can I take better care of my needs?

4. How can I be of service to others?


5. A message my soul has for me right now

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