Zodiac sign Libra: character and characteristics

Zodiac sign Libra: character and characteristics

Zodiac sign Libra: character and characteristics

The zodiac sign Libra is the sign of community, relationships and mediation, aesthetics, aesthetics and diplomacy

Element: Air

cardinal and masculine

Ruling Planet: Venus

7rd house:: relationship and you

Principle: "I refer to"

Axis Opposite: The Aries (More on the Aries-Libra axis)

When is the zodiac sign Libra's birthday?

September 24th to October 23rd



Zodiac Libra: Character

People born in Libra think a lot about interpersonal relationships. Since they are trying to do justice to other people (the DU) and to mediate, they are particularly suitable for advisory, pastoral and psychological tasks. (My ascendant is Libra and I often or especially in  interpersonal relationships more than Libra than like a Gemini. Libras are skilled and sensitive in speaking truths without hurting others. Sometimes, however, the content of a statement is sacrificed to a form that is too beautiful, ie something is packaged too nicely because one sacrifices oneself and one's own opinion for the love of diplomacy (I know this only too well). The difficulty that Libras often experience in their lives is to take a clear stance and make clear decisions, to distance themselves from YOU, since Libras perceive themselves through their relationship with YOU. You cannot then develop a really strong ego (libra's life's work lies in the descendant Aries) if you constantly avoid conflicts and tend to have overly conforming opinions. A Libra loves balanced thinking and is mostly  therefore very friendly, charming and popular.  

Zodiac sign Libra Woman and man, their characteristics: What are the strengths of the zodiac sign Libra?

A born Libra, has the look as a diplomatic sign of fairness, peace, beauty and balance. The zodiac sign Libra relates primarily to relationships and the relationship to a “you” in his life. Her values, such as the beautiful and the good, are her main concern through her planetary ruler Venus. In its purest form, the Libra energy balances us, but it also quickly shows us what is not balanced. Therefore, Libra-born people usually try very hard to create sufficient harmony, friendliness and peace in their environment.

As is well known, Libra strives for balance and harmony, but it is also important to them Paying more attention to needs, looking at them and lovingly accepting them as part of yours, you can, may and should always allow yourself as a human being! The core issue of Libra and our current quality of time, because the Sun is in Libra, is love and relationships for Libra): We all want harmonious, fulfilling relationships. We try, we work at it, and we fail all too often. Most of the time people are sure that it is up to the others (who else? 

What are the negative qualities of Libra?

Or you go to the other extreme and see yourself as just unlovable. Very extreme. Where's the balance? Everything that is outside, not I, is assigned to the Libra principle. So, as already mentioned, how we deal with YOU! We (like to) firmly believe that our environment shapes, annoys and burdens us. We are sure that we will meet good people who suit us and that we are often "simply" unlucky and come across the "wrong" people.

Anyone with a bit of astrological knowledge should realize that every chart has a specific Venus with specific aspects and we only have a 7th house (Libra and partnership) —— no matter how different our relationships may be. In your pattern, in your experience, you are always just YOU! This is the "bad" news, because you are responsible. The good thing is, you, you alone, have your relationship happiness in your own hands! And the current position gives you a touch of cosmic blessing and harmony booster

Libra in love:

Every principle, every encounter between two hearts can be developed, brought into a higher vibration. Every Venus, no matter how suffering it seems, can grow and come to its archetypal, essential fulfilment. (Take a look at your horoscope when the time comes or let me create one for you) There is no provision for suffering in the archetype! 

How it works? Simply by love. The love for ourselves and for others. Conditionally Unconditional, the current Libra energy also promotes exchange between people. During this time, many clever and profound conversations are probably held and in a much more harmonious way. Agreements work, correspondence runs smoothly, misunderstandings are rare. You dare to speak openly, find the right words and respond well to your counterpart. A beautiful time that I, as a harmony-addicted Libra ascendant, am really looking forward to.

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