My astro blog for you

In my astro blog you will find out all the important dates from the lunar calendar 2023, information on the astrological time quality and also when Portal Days 2023 are, or what a Mercury retrograde means. I report on the quality of time, the respective full moon or new moon and provide a monthly cosmic timetable in the Astro Blog.

What are portal days anyway? My Astro Blog tells you. What will 2024 be like from an astrological perspective? Here in my Astro Blog you will learn about planetary transits and understand the moon signs based on the full moon and new moon. You will find many articles on astrology and there is also a lot of knowledge about horoscopes, your zodiac sign, ascendant and much more in the Astro Blog.


Tarotscope Oracle
New to me: personal Tarotskop readings: Tarot reading integrated with birth chart. The email tarot reading with my Indians
Christmas time is smoking time


The best time to get involved with smoking, especially for beginners, is probably the few days before and around Christmas. And there will also be more smoking during the 12 rough nights (more information will follow) - these are the holy nights between the days of January 25th, 12th and 6th. Incense with herbs and incense are at the top of my list of ritual and spiritual acts.

Shamanic Spiritanimals


Shamans believe that every human being possesses one or more power animals - animal spirits that "dwell" with each individual or accompany us, protecting us from harm or disease, much like a guardian angel.

Smoking with white sage


White sage (Salvia apiana) has been used by healers for ceremonial and medicinal purposes for ages. The Latin word for sage, "Salvia", comes from the word "to heal". When smoked, sage is said to provide wisdom, clarity and increasing spiritual awareness.


Rose Quartz, the stone of love
Jewelery with rose quartz fits almost perfectly with the principle of the Roman goddess of love Venus and the planet of the same name, because rose quartz is said to open the heart to all kinds of love and have a positive effect on relationships and, very importantly, promote one's own self-love. Rose Quartz is known to provide positive energy and support a loving mood.
Palo Santo


The effects of Palo Santos are said to be magical, mystical, rare, sacred and unique. Palo Santo uplifts the spirit and is said to bring good luck. As we burn this sacred wood, we attune to our own energy and are reminded by the calming, relaxing, and warming scent that so many people, places, and spirits support our spiritual journey.