Category Archives: time quality

April 2022 Portal Days and Cosmic Timetable

Hello April! The energies of the new moon in Aries at the beginning of April correspond to the energies of spring. Now we can set off and break new ground. In this energy, by driving this energy, we create a new vision. Maybe right now in our life the magical spark of a new beginning, change, joy and vitality is missing. The good news: April not only promises a lot of new beginning energy, but also a lot of abundance...

New moon in Aries on 1.04.22/XNUMX/XNUMX

New Moon Aries

The Aries New Moon on Friday 1.04.22/11/12 takes place at XNUMX/XNUMX degrees and also opens the astrological new year with inspired new beginnings that we can push forward in the energy of the moon.

The energies of the new moon in Aries correspond to the energies of spring. Now we can set off and break new ground. In this energy, by driving this energy, we create a new vision.
Maybe right now in our life the magical spark of a new beginning, change, joy and vitality is missing.

Mercury in Pisces 10.03.-27.03.22

Mercury in Pisces

When Mercury moves into Pisces, we can bring all our collected, maybe new, spiritual experiences and information into our consciousness and use them effectively for ourselves. However, some of the things we experience during the opaque maelstrom of Pisces season we need to distinguish as distorted judgement, addiction or flight (from reality). Perhaps in this way we can find space and some more peace and quiet for our weary and stressed souls .

Ostara vernal equinox 20.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX

Ostara Annual Circle Festival (Spring Equinox) on March 20th. At Ostara we experience the magical state of equilibrium, which our ancestors celebrated several thousand years ago as the "Festival of the Resurrection of Nature" and is also the beginning of spring in the calendar, this year on March 20.03.22th, 16 at 32:XNUMX p.m. The sun is moving into the sign of Aries, this is also the beginning of the new astrological annual cycle! 

Venus in Aquarius 6.03-5.04.22

Venus in Aquarius

On 6.03/XNUMX Our Venus goddess of art, romance, pleasure and beauty, Planet Venus has also changed to the eccentric and liberal Aquarius and lets the heart call for more space and freedom. relying too much on the logical brain. To loosen up your heart, which may be blocked by the long Capricorn period, listen to music and dance, be silly again (a favorite Aquarius pastime). Be yourself, whole and fearless.

Mars in Aquarius 6.03-15.04.22

Mars in Aquarius

Mars in Aquarius: Planet change of Mars (our fiery drive and power planet) it migrates from the earth sign Capricorn to the air sign Aquarius (from March 6.03th to April 15.04th) The positive thing about the change now is that Mars can ignite our need for freedom and change to fight to get ourselves out of this world depression, our own low mood, because something rebellious is also very characteristic of Aquarius.

It can get easier again...

It can get easier again!-3

Venus and Mars in Aquarius: I've been looking forward to this energy shift for a long time. Finally more air, finally more lightness! Venus and Mars continue their joint journey closely together in a conjunction, but today on 6.03.22/XNUMX/XNUMX they both change from Capricorn to Aquarius. The Aquarian energy brings a fresh, groundbreaking, much lighter energy into these two important personal life energies: Mars (drive/ambition/strength) and Venus (love/finance/beauty/values).

Lilith Charity Seminar 9.03.22/XNUMX/XNUMX

Lilith Seminary

In a free live seminar, I would like to strengthen and increase the female energy in the world, because I have the feeling that this imbalance between male power, the brutal, greed, striving for power and the (still) superiority of patriarchy is one if I is one of the biggest causes of the current war. Conditions of participation: Donation to Ukraine (min. 10€)

Cosmic Timetable March 2022

Astrology March 2022

Hello March! An early hello to spring. Spring is when you are woken up by the chirping of birds, your soul is thinking colorfully again and your heart is beaming with the sun. And that is also noticeable despite the shocking world events. The beginning of Spring is a time of renewed life, with the promise of fruitful abundance that may now (hopefully!) finally come. 

16.02/XNUMX Full moon in Leo: Shine your light!

Leo full moon

Are you afraid of not being loved for who you are?! are you imprisoned by her If you consider yourself valuable, other people will no longer be able to hurt you. A simple sentence, but it's like this... Matching the approaching full moon in the sign of Leo on February 16.02th. at 17:56 p.m

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