Zodiac sign Aquarius from January 21.01st to February 19.02.2022th, XNUMX

Zodiac sign Aquarius from January 21.01st to February 19.02.2022th, XNUMX

Aquarius from 21.01. -19.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX

Zodiac Aquarius Birthday: Aquarius Season 

Happy Birthday dear watermen,

your birthday season (21.01/19.2 - XNUMX/XNUMX) is officially open! Now is your time to shine and shine. As for the rest of us, we too are getting a not-so-small sparkle from the energies during Aquarius season, after all our Sun is shining in Aquarius coloring the current quality of time.

Aquarius energy represents companionship, humanity, philanthropy, friendship and acquaintanceship. It is the type of the rebel, the seer into the future, the visionary, also the astrologer.

Aquarius is the one who invents and loves technology that shapes our future. As a visionary, he already sees something that has potential that the rest of us may not yet see.

Zodiac Aquarius Love:

Aquarius natives live a unique and unconventional style. They fight collectively for this and for your freedom and individuality.

What is typical of an Aquarius?

Aquarians are incredibly humorous and a bit crazy somehow, it's not for nothing that carnival begins during Aquarius time and represents this energy quite well. They are lovable free spirits, small and large rebels, yet great empaths and ready for any adventure. It never gets boring with Aquarians! You exude freedom and are masters at verbalizing your feelings and working creatively. Among you there are some real visionaries and explorers!

Aquarius is the free-spirited rebel in the astrological zodiac and is reluctant to adhere to traditional rules or norms. Uranus, the ruling planet of the sign Aquarius, is a spiritual planet and reveals some real individualists in Aquarius. Aquarius energy can cause us to rebel against the way things are usually done and move in a whole new and maybe crazy-seeming direction. Aquarius is often the one who invents visionary technologies and shapes the zeitgeist that shapes our future.

Dear Aquarius,

your big heart and progressive spirit help to make the world a little bit better. Your compassion for the earth and humanity is admirable despite the heartache you have on your rescue mission. You are innovative and a visionary and always in tomorrow instead of yesterday. You have such a witty and original way of thinking that drives real change. But the best thing about you is that you are unique and always remain yourself!

Zodiac Sign Aquarius Traits: Original, visionary, future-oriented, freedom-loving

Archetype: the visionary, the networker, philanthropist and rebel

Your sunny side: is to bring a breath of fresh air into the world, to maintain an overview, to develop individual ideas, to be independent and witty

Your shadow side: is to free oneself from circumstances that would actually be good and meaningful. To be unpredictable, to escape, to be emotionally cold, to be contradictory

Your learning task: Losing the fear of commitment and permanence and not isolating yourself, overcoming the urge to constantly be special and original

Promotion: All Aquarius-born people save 21.01% on all astrological consultations from January 19.02.22st to February 2022th, 15 with the voucher code: "WassermannXNUMX".*

*(without quotation marks, voucher can be deducted in the shopping cart)

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