Personal support for Rauhnächte 2023-2024


Personal support for Rauhnächte 2023-2024

Personal accompaniment during the Rauhnächte 2023-2024: your accompaniment through the Rauhnächte, yes, miracles are possible in this magical time!

Book here my personal companion Rauhnächte 2023-2024 with daily emails for 12 days, your virtual rough night retreat with online workbook

For you in my company, draw a card every Rauhnachtag and recite an audio message to yourself. You will receive this in the daily Rauhnacht email (always on time in the morning) from my favorite card decks: Christephania Kipper cards, my Astro Cards and *new the Maya Astro Cards!

Personal support for Rauhnächte 2023-2024: You will also receive an explanation and impulses for each Rauhnacht with regard to the astrology of the 12 zodiac signs and the 4th elements and you will learn more about astrology in a playful way

Your magical instructions for the 12 magical nights

Your personal rough night companion 2023/2024

The tradition of Rauhnächte comes from a very old custom from the Alpine country and in my company I combine astrology in a unique way with this shamanic tradition of the 12 magical nights, which I learned in my shamanic training.

The 12 so-called rough nights begin in the night from December 24th to 25th and end in the night from January 5th to January 6th the Perchta day (final day, actually with the 13th night)*, each from 0 :00 to 24:00. In the rough nights we say we weave our own Destiny and can influence and shape the 12 new months of the coming year for us in exactly 12 days.In general, it's about connecting with the spiritual and natural world in the days and nights of the Rauhnacht season and everyone has their own access to it. It is assumed that in the 12 Rauhnachts the gates to the spiritual world are more open and we are standing on the threshold between the past and the future - therefore often called the threshold time. Personally, I love the Rauhnacht season especially to do oracles and keep a dream diary. Each night corresponds to a month of the coming year. So what happens on the first of these 12 nights, what I dream, is an omen for January, the same goes for the second night and February and so on...

The principle of rough nights follows a deep-rooted, cosmic life cycle. So I think that in a similar way the twelve days left out of the interval between the old and new year and the beginning of the new year can also be understood astrologically from the difference between the lunar and solar years and can be transferred to the principles of the 12 zodiac signs.

Introducing the energy of the rough nights is the Yul festival on the winter solstice on December 21.12st. (16:58 p.m.) worth mentioning as an important point in the quality of time when we celebrate the return of the light and the first annual festival after our “pagan New Year’s Eve” Samhain. The days are now  finally brighter again.  And due to the low position of the sun, the sky shines in a golden, magical light.

*There are different counting methods for the rough nights. I stick to this one. The 13th night is related to ancient Celtic tribes that followed the moon and had 13 lunar months.

Personal support for Rauhnächte 2023-2024: Start 2024 consciously and self-determined: With my audio guide 12. mp3 files for the individual nights in the zodiac sign correspondence, you can let yourself fall into the magic of the rough nights from your living room. Practice when, where and how it works for you.

This takes you on your very personal journey through the rough nights and to the core of your desires. Celebrating these days should not be another to-do and these pages should not be a rigid guide, but rather a companion for these magical days - and you choose what suits you. If you want to immerse yourself deeply, follow your own intuition freely and perhaps let yourself be accompanied by the gentle sounds of the Rauhnächte playlist 2023-2024 - for ever more harmony with yourself.

Content of Personal support for Rauhnächte 2023-2024:

Background knowledge

Annual festival Yule 21.12


incense rituals

Astrological Cycle

Rough night journaling

Plus 12 audio recordings and Rauhnacht playlist

Plus 12 impulse cards and audio messages

Click here for the accompaniment. After successful payment you will receive the order confirmation and the personal email will automatically start being sent to you on December 25.12.23th, XNUMX

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