Shamanic annual festivals

Shamanic annual festivals

Shamanic Annual Festivals: Since the beginning of my shamanic training more than five years ago, the shamanic annual festivals have become energetic and spiritual points of reference in my year. I align myself with them. It even goes so far that I often forget and don't notice the Christian holidays, even though I live in Catholic Bavaria. I often found myself standing in front of an empty fridge on public holidays, simply because I have integrated the old shamanic knowledge to such an extent. My whole being follows the flowing and ongoing cycles of nature much more than the Catholic holidays.

Because nature never stands still. Everything runs cyclically and repeats itself over and over again. This constant cycle not only has an influence on animals and plants, but also on our rhythm of life, that of humans. By paying attention to the cycle of the year, we can better tune into nature's energetic cycles and listen to what each season is whispering and saying to us, rather than working against the natural tides. 

In the past, our idea of ​​time was based on this natural cycle. Celebrating annual festivals is an ancient tradition in our culture. The endless cycle of 'dying and becoming' and the rebirth of nature in deep connection with the earth and the elements finds its expression in these shamanic festivals of the year.

But what do they mean Importance of the sun and moon festivals?:

The festivals of the Celtic annual circle are divided into sun and moon festivals. For the Celts of antiquity and late antiquity, the full moon was considered a sacred time, which is why their festivals were mainly celebrated at this time. 

The fixed dates that are not based on the position of the sun, that is Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh and Halloween, are interpreted as moon festivals. The times of the lunar festivals are based on the nearest full moon. 

The sun festivals are considered to be Spring Equinox or Ostara and Autumn Equinox or mabonAnd the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Summer Solstice (Litha) on the other hand, are interpreted as sun festivals. 

  • Samhain (lunar festival) – Beginning of the winter semester and witches' new year, 11th new moon in the calendar year
  • Yule (Solar Festival) – Winter Solstice, December 21st 
  • Imbolc (Lunar Festival) – after the 2nd full moon after Yule (21.12)
  • Ostara (Sun Festival) – Spring Equinox, March 21st
  • Beltane (Lunar Festival) – Beginning of the summer semester, 5th full moon after Yule
  • Litha (Solar Festival) – Summer Solstice, around June 21st 
  • Lammas (Lunar Festival) – 8th full moon after Yule
  • Mabon (Solar Festival) – Autumnal Equinox, September 23

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Lammas Circle Feast August 1st
On August 1st we celebrate in the shamanic cycle of the year: Lammas, Lughnasadh or also the festival of the reapers (Lammas is
Beginning of spring: Aries time and Ostara 20.03
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Ostara vernal equinox 20.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX
Ostara Annual Circle Festival (Spring Equinox) on March 20th. At Ostara we experience the magical state of equilibrium, which our ancestors celebrated several thousand years ago as the "Festival of the Resurrection of Nature" and is also the beginning of spring in the calendar, this year on March 20.03.22th, 16 at 32:XNUMX p.m. The sun is moving into the sign of Aries, this is also the beginning of the new astrological annual cycle! 
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