Annual festival in Imbolc 2.2.22

Annual festival in Imbolc 2.2.22

Annual festival in Imbolc 2.2.22

Shamanic annual festival: Imbolc- return of the light- anticipation of Imbolc on February 2.2nd (others already celebrate on January 31.1st, February 1.2st, or on February 2.2nd, depending on taste and tradition) Imbolc used to be celebrated at the beginning of February, which the church called Maria Candlemas (02.02.22 ) has claimed for itself. Imbolc literally means “in the belly” which is a perfect representation of what is happening in nature at that moment. Although we can't see it, the seeds begin to move gently underground as they prepare for their birth in the spring. Nature is pregnant! 

Meaning: Find balance between light and darkness!

Balance your masculine (yang) and feminine (ying) side with your spiritual practice within you, for example through yoga. Also celebrated on the night of February 1st to 2nd

Annual celebrations yours Origins in the Celtic annual cycle

annual festival Imbolc 2.2.22, also called Maria Candlemas, on February 2nd -when the light and the days slowly get brighter again after winter. Now, not only in nature, the first tender shoots have fought their way to the light of day against gravity. Even the fine shoots, but also those of your vision thrive in order to push themselves up through the ground - towards reality and into the (sun)light. 

What better time than now to start new projects than when the earth wakes up after a long winter and then gradually in the spring everything blooms and grows and springs up again? And what better time to meditate and plan ahead to focus than hibernation?

At the level of human awareness, the evolving soul is still encased in matter and is also struggling to overcome its own past in order to move forward. The flow of energy in this phase of the cyclical transformation process is a confrontation against all odds and a struggle against one's own laziness and inner bastard, if you will. We can try to assert ourselves better at the beginning of the new year and try to establish our own (new) identity in life, everyday life and the environment.

This is followed by the spring day and equinox: Ostara around the 20th/21st. March the moment when the sun passes the celestial equator at the early left point, which astronomically defines the beginning of the spring season.

So we should ask ourselves: What moves within us that longs to be brought forth and born? Or what do we need to clear/clean to make room for the new in spring? The goddess Brigid has taken over the scepter from the dark goddess of winter. Brigid, the Radiant, signifying that the light and vibrant life is beginning to unfold again; the juices begin to rise in the trees, nature is already secretly preparing for her colorful and fragrant spring appearance.

Since our bodies are all creative expressions of nature, we also feel the rising energy within us. This radiant goddess is an expression of the natural feminine energy. It's about discovering the goddess in yourself, not making yourself small anymore; dissolve walls we hide behind; to free oneself from oppressive structures and life plans that inhibit the divine flow of energy.

The more we turn back to the natural rhythms and cycles of nature and open ourselves up, the more these energies fill and invigorate us, let us literally shine and give our work color and uniqueness. That is exactly what the female elemental power wants to give us. beauty, love, abundance and bright eyes; Wisdom and a blessed work and action. With the reconnection to nature, our life also begins to clean up and renew itself in a miraculous way; the cosmic blessing begins to work, the goddess awakens.

Imbolc is not just the shamanic festival of the year for the return of light, it stands for fertility, renewal, cleansing, youth and freshness. New life can now arise and the old can slowly say goodbye. The Irish or Celtic goddess Brigid accompanies this festival and has a strong meaning. Many rituals were held at Imbolc, oracles were given, and various cleaning rituals were held, one of which is our well-known "spring cleaning". CONCENTRATION. VISION. STRENGTH: These are the primary qualities I attribute to her and are energetically helpful to us and our dreams and visions. It stands for goal-oriented action and visionary power. Bridget, the Celtic goddess whose name "bright" means to shine.

She is the three-dimensional goddess of fire, inspiration, blacksmithing, healing arts and divination. Her inspiration was especially important for the traveling singers and poets, who called her accordingly often. Legend has it that when Brigid was born, a huge flame shot out of her head, creating a direct connection between her and the universe. In AD 450, the ancient pagan goddess Brigid and the new Christian Brigid were merged by name into Saint Brigid. As the daughter of a druid, she worked primarily as a healer and goldsmith. Her sacred fire in Kildare, Ireland, is guarded by 19 priestesses and nuns to this day. According to the legend, every 20th of the month Brigid appears and looks after the fire herself.

In particular, we can use this energy of the Imbolc festival to fuel our inspirations. Are you lacking energy, motivation and determination at the moment? Have you lost a little direction on your way or do you wish for more clarity in your life do you feel a deep longing but you don't know what it looks like it's high time for the crackling tension of inspiration. The goddess Brigid is also of the opinion that life without the fire of enthusiasm would have to be really boring. She represents that we can let our fire light up in life and prepare for a time of fertility and the fulfillment of our heart's desires.

In order to still be able to use the energy of this holiday for us today, one can organize small cleaning rituals for oneself at home, for example fumigating and mucking out the living rooms or work rooms, so that space can be created for new ideas or anything new in general. Since it is also a festival of lights, at least one candle should burn on this day and overnight to honor the light.

My tip: It is best to smoke your apartment with sage or palo santo and do a little light ritual for yourself - when the sun is shining, consciously stand in the sunshine and let its power flood you, absorb its energy, feel how the light fuels your cells and wakes them up. If the sun does not appear that day, light one or more candles and connect with the candlelight on a small Imbolc altar 

Book tip about the goddess Brigid:

Dirk Grosser and Jennie Appel: Brigid. Live the wisdom of a saint, goddess and druid

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