New moon in Leo 28.07.22/XNUMX/XNUMX

New moon in Leo 28.07.22/XNUMX/XNUMX

New moon in Leo
Preparation for the new moon in Leo on Thursday, July 28.07th. at 19:55 p.m.:

The New Moon in Leo is a time to celebrate our heart strength and inner sun. How can we bring more joy and play into our lives? Do we have enough self-love to regularly praise ourselves and believe in our strengths and talents?

The zodiac sign Leo rules our heart, our sun and self-confidence. Focusing on this powerful energy can open our heart chakra and lead us to deep insights. During this new moon, focus your energy on your heart chakra to strengthen the love and joy within you.

The new moon helps to lift the veil between consciousness and subconsciousness. We can overcome our conditioned patterns and look deeper into our soul. This is a wonderful time to explore our true selves and feel our hearts.

The heart is the center of our energy field and our consciousness. It represents our core and our light of creation. Use this time to recognize what really makes you happy and give your life more radiance.

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New moon in Leo 28.07.22/XNUMX/XNUMX
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