Author Archives: TZN_dev

22.06/XNUMX Mercury direct again


On June 22nd was Mercury direct again. It turned bearish on May 30th.  From now on it will be easier to communicate, sign contracts and travel and also shipping and engineering etc. should then run more smoothly and easily. The second difficult phase in 2021 of a total of 3 phases of Mercury retrograde ↩️is done for now

Live Moon Session - Capricorn Full Moon 26.04


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The Capricorn full moon on Thursday, June 24.06.21th, 20 at around 40:2021 p.m. is, if you will, an astrological check-up or a check-out of your resolutions for XNUMX and an energetic one  Position determination of our life direction, which supports us with new beginnings. Especially for those who feel something needs to be changed after experiencing the pandemic. Also so that you don't get caught up in the same gears as before. Even after we have already reached the middle of the year after the summer solstice  on the 21.06.  It is noticeable that many people are longing for peace all the more right now. We give you a lot of moon magic and a few hours of contemplation...


New Moon in Taurus 11.05.21/XNUMX/XNUMX



?? ?? new moon in ???????????????????? ♉︎ ?? - on Tuesday 11.05. at 21:00 - A new moon with reset button:

It's time to slow down, take deep breaths and ground yourself in the present moment - slowly we are all feeling more in touch with our bodies. The present energy serves to align us with the earthy energy of the 2021 Taurus season.

Themes: Deep inner roots'Natural inner rhythm, enjoyment, peace of mind Dive deep into the world of love, enjoyment Aesthetics and sensuality one you want to manifest!

Exciting webinars in May


There are finally two wonderful intensive live introductory seminars (Part 1 May 18) and 2nd part (Part 2 June 3) into the fascinating world of astrology with and by me, suitable for astrology newcomers and the curious as well as for people with a little basic knowledge.

Next week Tuesday there is a Live seminar on SaturnAfter all, we are currently in a Saturn year and are also heading for Saturn retrograde in May (May 23)

I am particularly looking forward to another exciting topic: The Astrology of Eclipses (Seminar May 20th)

To the seminars

Cosmic Timetable May 2021


Cosmic Roadmap for May 2021: The most important astrological and energetic stops for the coming month.*

The cosmic May starts with an event that I have been looking forward to for a long time: because with ☿ Mercury in the air sign Gemini ♊️ from 3.5 life will be easier and more colorful and communication better.
This month our joint timetable is again particularly loving, magical and fairytale-like, illustrated by dear Katha von Fox and Owl

 You can also use it for a DIN A4 printout ??Download here

In addition, there is now a nice clear calendar from me

Scorpio full moon 27.04.21/XNUMX/XNUMX


We are probably the most violent ?????????????????????????? of the year before on Tuesday, April 27.04 at 5:30 p.m. The intensity and also the emergence of karmic issues is clearly the confrontation with previous incarnations or karma in this life

For me, the Scorpio full moon time has been the most extreme and intense for years, because these full moons in the ?????????????????????????? ♏︎   usually have an incomparable intensity.  In my Moonbook I explain on about 30 pages how best to get through this intense energy, give tips and instructions (a mantra and oracle ritual) and describe how to do it  uses full moon energy best, understands it and can experience a real transformation from it...

My ????????????ℕ?????????????????? with a lot of knowledge about this moon energy, helpful tips, mantra, moon knowledge, goddess power here available!

New Moon in Aries 12.04.21/XNUMX/XNUMX


Energy booster for the heart way: New moon energies in Aries on 12.04.21/4/30 at XNUMX:XNUMX am

The energies of Aries and Spring encourage people to break new ground where even before the crisis there was no growth, joy or vitality; where the waters of life had become murky and dark with habit and conditioned ideas; where we (re)act listlessly and monotonously. To follow your own hero or heroine path, to develop your true greatness and with the sun in Aries to walk your path as a pioneer

My ????????????ℕ?????????????????? with a lot of knowledge about this moon energy, helpful tips, moon knowledge, goddesses/Amazon power here available!

The Easter tradition


Like the Easter egg, the Easter bunny is a symbol of fertility and life. He is also the animal associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite or Venus. There is no question that the Germanic tribes worshiped a deity on the spring equinox on March 20.03th. But whether this was Aphrodite or Eostre/Ostara is unfortunately difficult to interpret. Our Easter customs undoubtedly have pagan roots and predate the Christianization of the West. Quite simply, it often happens to me that I actually forget the Christian holidays because they have no meaning for me, even though I live in arch-Catholic Bavaria, and if they are just something like tradition - because I orientate myself according to the shamanic annual circle and cosmic timetable.

Get on the waiting list for this reading! We will inform you as soon as a slot for a reading becomes available with me and, if necessary, give you an approximate time window in advance. Therefore, please enter your email address*. *At the moment there are unfortunately technical problems with emails from .gmail, so please choose an alternative email address
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