Tag Archives: Incense

Annual festival in Imbolc 1.02

Return of the light: anticipation of Imbolc on Saturday, February 1.2st (I'll celebrate it on January 31.1st, February 1.2st, or February 2.2nd  depending on taste and tradition) Imbolc used to be celebrated at the beginning of February, which the church claimed as Maria Candlemas (February 02.02.20nd, XNUMX). Imbolc is not only today the annual festival for the return of light, it stands for fertility, renewal, purification, youth and freshness. New life can now arise and the old can slowly say goodbye. The Irish or Celtic goddess Brigid accompanies this festival and has a strong meaning.

Christmas time is smoking time


The best time to get involved with smoking, especially for beginners, is probably the few days before and around Christmas. And there will also be more smoking during the 12 Raunächte (more information will follow) - these are the holy nights between the days of January 25th, 12th and 6th. Incense with herbs and incense are at the top of my list of ritual and spiritual acts.

Palo Santo


The effects of Palo Santos are said to be magical, mystical, rare, sacred and unique. Palo Santo uplifts the spirit and is said to bring good luck. As we burn this sacred wood, we attune to our own energy and are reminded by the calming, relaxing, and warming scent that so many people, places, and spirits support our spiritual journey.

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